I am interested in (EU-)Migration, labour market integration, and evaluation methods in the social sciences (particularly questions robust and transparent reserach).
My past work spans research on national and European identity, the interdependence of European Integrationa and Postsocialist Transformation, the cross-national comparability of survey measures , and welfare-state typologies, as well as contributions to studies on child abuse, on women who inject drugs, the evaluation of parenting interventions, and studies into nutritional supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids.
L, O., S. ER, B. J, L. N, M. G, H. NINS, T Spreckelsen, and W. Y (2019). “Video feedback for improving parental sensitivity and infant attachment (Review)”. In: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 11.CD012348.
Meinck, F., M. Pantelic, T. F. Spreckelsen, L. Orza, M. T. Little, V. Nittas, V. Picker, A. A. Bustamam, R. Herrero-Romero, E. P. Diaz-Mella, and H. Sto ̈ckl (2019). “Interventions to reduce gender-based violence among young people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in low-and middle- income countries.” In: AIDS doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000002337.
Spreckelsen, T., J. Leschke, and M. Seeleib-Kaiser (2018). “Europe’s Promise for Jobs? Labor Market Integration of Young EU Migrant Citizens in Germany and the United Kingdom’. In Youth Labor in Transition”. In: Strategic Transitions for Youth Labour in Europe. Ed. by O’Reilly, J., J. Leschke, R. Ortlieb, M. Seeleib-Kaiser, and P. Villa. International Policy Exchange. New York: Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
Felbo-Kolding, J., J. Leschke, and T. F. Spreckelsen (2018). “Labour market segmentation by region of origin: The case of intra-EU migrants in the UK, Germany and Denmark”. In: Journal for Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Stoicescu, C., L. Cluver, T. F. Spreckelsen, and R. Ameilia (2018). “Intimate partner violence and receptive syringe sharing among women who inject drugs in Indonesia: Results from a respondent-driven sampling study.” In: International Journal of Drug Policy doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2018.08.009.
Contact: Thees@Spreckelsen.uk | School of Social & Political Science, University of Glasgow | +44 (0) 141 330 00 50